
Caught on Video: Unmanned Fishing Boat Crashes into Docks

Caught on Video: Unmanned Fishing Boat Crashes into Docks

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This past weekend, as three Florida men were attempting a “photoshoot” on a 24-foot center console fishing boat, chaos erupted on the St. Lucie River as all three men fell out of the boat. The boat stayed in gear at a fairly high rate of speed and began circling the men as they treaded water. They had to dive underwater several times to ensure the boat did hit them while it was out of control.

Eventually the boat straightened itself out and screamed towards nearby boat docks. The boat ramped the first concrete dock before smashing into the next one and coming to rest. The three men were eventually saved by a nearby sailboat and only one of the men had minor injuries.

An investigation by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission is ongoing.

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