
Nursing Home Brings Fishing to Residents

Nursing Home Brings Fishing to Residents

There’s no doubt that these have been challenging times for all of us. To some degree, we have all felt the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the most difficult aspects for many families has been their inability to visit loved ones in nursing homes and assisted living communities. It’s heartbreaking to see families separated from their loved ones.

We ran across a Facebook post yesterday from Springfield Nursing and Rehab Center in Springfield, Kentucky that really touched our hearts. The staff performed a wonderful gesture by bringing fishing to the residents. Large tanks stocked with some huge sunfish were set up on the grounds of the facility and residents were supplied fishing rods. The residents were able to get outside and catch some fish while remaining safe and under the supervision of medical professionals.

We must always remember how therapeutic fishing is to people. It doesn’t matter if you’re young, old, sick, healthy, rich or poor. For those few moments when these folks were catching fish, they were back in their childhoods and life was “normal” again. I’m sure they were flooded with wonderful memories that hopefully eased any anxiety or heartache they may have been experiencing.

Great job to the entire Springfield Nursing and Rehab Center staff!

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Bringing back some great memories!

Nursing Home Brings Fishing to Residents

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We see a smile underneath that mask

Nursing Home Brings Fishing to Residents

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The staff helped the residents whenever needed

Nursing Home Brings Fishing to Residents

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A nice one… right outside the front door!

Nursing Home Brings Fishing to Residents

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No help needed with this one!

Nursing Home Brings Fishing to Residents

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Fishing with some nearby fans

Nursing Home Brings Fishing to Residents

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